Only twelve more days to go. Sometimes fear is the appropriate response. Right now, I guess music and drinking are our best option.
Feel free to join us:
17/09 - silenced resident dan droff on radio scorpio, 106 FM
23/09 - headliner examine from croatia, plays some music at café apéro on the old market.
24/09 - raphael klaps and examine perform on the V.O.S. party at der Machine.
26/09 - 'kopiefeest' warm-up for Silence 15:00-17:00 at the Tweebronnen Library. Some chilled out tunes by examine and hermético from Barcelona.
26/09 - SILENCE @ SILO, check out the timetable below.
Timetable Silence:
Main room
23:00-00:30 crisp
00:30-01:30 examine
01:30-02:30 spastik
02:30-03:30 hermético
03:30-04:30 dan droff
04:30-05:30 sebastian häld
05:30-06:30 angstrom & aalberg
06:30-07:30 joachim heldt
Second room
23:00-00:00 lohn & brot
00:00-01:00 donnie
01:00-02:00 eavesdrop
02:00-03:00 dezz terquez
03:00-04:00 andre lanine
04:00-05:00 pilsner
05:00-06:00 raphael klaps
06:00-07:00 fratres fortunos
chili palmer (here or in main room, depending on crowd)
Tip: Bring your usb stick to Silence
Why? There'll be a burn station 2.0 represent at Silo!
Burn Station is a free audio distribution system. Simply plug in your usb stick and you'll get some exclusive tracks from the silenced artists. Sharing is caring ;-)

Code Cracking:
There's also some kind of weird looking code on the back of our new flyers. Does it even have any meaning at all?

I love rumors! Facts can be so misleading, where rumors, true or false, are often revealing.