Tuesday, April 24, 2007

pierre lenard - duck hunt mix

Gaiser, Heartthrob - Nasty Girl - Minus
Akiko Kiyama - Nicked (al final del tune Damian Schwartz remix) - Safari Electronique
Marc Ashken - Bubblegum Smile - Safari Electronique
Plan Tec - Espias Psiquicos (Jonas Kopp psiquic remix) - MindTrip Music
Ambivalent - Boite Diabolique - Clink
Pascal FEOS - Further & Further (Chris Wood remix) - Level Non Zero
Paul Ritch - Metro Express - Resopal Schallware
Someone Else - Lowdown Brittle (Fusiphorm's simple mix) - Foundsound
Popof - Hypnotic - AFV Limited
Hannes Teichmann - Jager 07 (Sascha Funke remix) - Festplatten
Ambivalent - Palindrome (DJ Emerson remix) - Klickhaus
Marc Ashken - Oio - Leftroom Records
Alex Under - El Diluvio Azul - Trapez
Depeche Mode - Sinner in me (Ricardo Villalobos Conclave remix) - DMRV1
Damian Schwartz - Ruidos y Frequencias4 - Apnea
Staffan Linzatti - Quibble - District of Corruption

(57 mins - 192 kbps)

1 comment:

Dan Droff said...

I used to be so jalous of my neighbour, cos he had the nintendo with the kick-ass shooters...long live duck hunting!